AI Webinar Series by Amanda Perry & Robin Finley

TeachingTIME AI Resources

Session 1: An Introduction to AI

TeachingTime AI in Education Video Series by Amanda Perry

Video: Musk Calls for Artificial Intelligence Pause

Video: Musk Calls for Artificial Intelligence Pause- ABC

Twitter|Video CNBC Musk says after Capitol Hill AI Meeting, “Overwhelming Consensus” regulation needed.

Biden Signs Executive Order About AI on 10/30/23

CBS Morning News: Biden Issues executive order establishing artificial intelligence regulations


“Godfather of AI” Geoffrey Hinton: The 60 Minutes Interview

See What AMECA Looks Like: Is a ban on AI technology good or harmful| 60 Minutes Australia

Chat GPT: Artificial Intelligence, chatbots and world of unknowns| 60 Minutes (Bing Chatbot Sydney)

Fake Putin Announces Russia Under Attack As Ukraine Goes on the Offense 6/5/23

Biden reacts to watching deepfakes of himself: ‘When the hell did I say that?’

Lynda Carter Wonder Woman {Deep Fake}

Session 2: The Need for a District and Classroom Policy| AI Detectors & Plagiarism

AI in Education Video Series – 11-2-2023 by Amanda Perry

Data Privacy Sopipa

Targeted Advertising and Sopipa

Data Privacy Laws DESE

Checking for AI Demo

TCEA Tech Notes: How Reliable Are AI Detectors?

Guidance on AI Detection and Why We’re Disabling Turnitin’s AI Detector

TeachingTIME AI Draft Working Document– Creating a Policy

DOE Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning: Office of Educational Technology

TeachingTIME Creating Lesson Plans & Rubrics Prompt Template

Session 3: The Art of the Prompt: Using Chat GPT to Save Educators Time

AI in Education Video Series – 11-7-2023 by Amanda Perry

10 Chat GPT Life Hacks- That’ll Change Your Life-Video

How to Differentiate Texts with ChatGPT

ChatGPT Prompts for Busy Educators

Creating Lesson Plans & Rubric Prompts Template


Lesson Plans to Teach Research Skills to 8th Graders

Individualized Learning

Basic Lesson Plan Prompt

STEM- Creating Lesson Plan

Session 4: Using Specific AI Tools

AI in Education Video Series – 11-14-2023 by Amanda Perry

Eduaide.AI Created by educators for educators

Session 5: AI Tools

AI in Education Video Series – 11-16-2023 by Amanda Perry

Chat GPT for Chrome & YouTube Summary

Chat GPT Writer- Write mail, messages with AI

Merlin: 1-click access to Powerful AI Plugins

Ultimate Toolbar GPT


Summarize (ChatGPT and Bard)

ChatGPT for Chrome & Youtube Summary with AI

NoteGPT: Youtube Summary with ChatGPT & Notes

SearchGPT for Chrome

ChatGPT Chat Organizer

Reader GPT: ChatGPT base Web Page Summarizer

PI Prompts for ChatGPT, Google Bard & Claude